hati seorang insan,bila sudah terjatuh hati kepada seorang perempuan,sme jadi bai,sme jadi elok klau tentang dia,hidung awek yang xmancung pon jadi mancung...bla tanya kawan,tentang sesorang yang kita anggap lawa,tapi member kita cakap x lawa...tetapi,bagi kita,dia lah yang paling lawa..kenapa ini terjadi?tu la yang nak di persoalkan...sebenarnya pandangan mata seseorang berkait dengan hati,bila kita tidak kenal dengan hati,seseorang itu hanya seorang yang biasa,xde ape yang menarik pun...tetapi,bila kita dah kenal dengan hati,baru kita tahu,dia lah yang paling menyerlah dalam ramai2...kita mengenal seseorang dengan hati,jangan dengan mata..pernah x jumpa pasangan yang awek dia lawa,tapi pakwe dia biasa saja?...kita mesti cakap,awek lawa xpadan langsung dengan laki tu..tu la bila kita da kenal degan hati..yang xhensem pun jadi hensem di mata kita..jadi,sebagai kesimpulanyan,jangan lah pelik dengan benda yang sebegini...cubalah kenal seseorang dengan hati,dan fikirlah tentang pandangan kita...berilah hati kepada yang sudi...ikhlaskan hati dalam mencari pasangan,insya'allah anda akan mendapat yang terbaik...yang telah ditentukan oleh allah s.w.t......
Know, dear son, that days are but hours, and hours are but breaths, and every soul is a container, hence let not any breath pass without benefit, such that on the Day of Judgement you find an empty container and feel regret!
Be aware of every hour and how it passes, and only spend it in the best possible way; do not neglect yourself, but render it accustomed to the noblest and best of actions, and send to your grave that which will please you when you arrive to it.
If I were to describe my state, then I am never content with reading books, and when I see a book that I had not seen before, it is as if I have found a treasure. … And if I said that I read 20,000 books, then in truth it would be more, and I was then still a student.
I benefitted from reading those books by observing the lives of the early people, and the extent of their memorization, their determination, their worship, the diversity of their disciplines, of which one would not know had one not read those books. Thus I disliked the current state of people and looked down on the weak determination of students nowadays. And to Allah is all praise.
(Ibn al-Jawzī in his Lafat al-Kabid fī Naṣīḥat al-Walad)
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